Which the heirs are called for the succession is established by the civil code, based on criteria of kinship and proximity to the deceased , operating some in default of others. It is important to mention that the order of succession can change depending on the autonomous community in question. 1. Descendants they can be marital or extramarital or by adoption, in total equality, as children, grandchildren, etc. (arts. 931 and 108 cc). It is a descending straight line.
The children inherit first and “by heads” (in equal parts), and the grandchildren in the absence of the child not living, in right of representation. In addition, if there is a widowed spouse, he has the right of usufruct of the third part of the inheritance. If no whatsapp number list child is left alive, the grandchildren inherit by "stirpes", having the right to inherit the portion that corresponded to the son of the deceased. 2. Ascendants they are the mother and the father in the first place (art. 935, 811 and 812 cc). It is a straight ascending line. In the absence of descendants, the ascendants inherit. The father and the mother inherit equally, and if only one of them survives,
he will inherit everything. In the absence of parents, ascendants (grandparents) inherit . If there are several of the same degree belonging to the same line, the inheritance is divided by heads, and if they are from different lines, but of the same degree, half of the inheritance is divided for the paternal ascendants and the other half for the maternal ascendants. . If there is a widowed spouse, he will inherit half of the inheritance of the deceased. 3. Surviving spouse (art. 944 cc) in the absence of descendants and ascendants, the entire inheritance happens to the widowed spouse , if he or she is not legally or de facto separated. In intestate succession, the de facto couple does not inherit from